Natural Bridge Caverns Texas
Located near San Antonio in the Texas hill country is one of the most spectacular sights Texas has to offer, The Natural Bridge Caverns. They are the largest known commercial caverns in Texas but were not discovered until 1960 by four St. Mary's University students. They are predominantly limestone and derive their name from the 65 foot bridge that spans the exterior, pictured here. The formations, or speleothems, form as water seeps through cracks in a cave surrounding bedrock creating a solution with dissolved compounds such as calcite or gypsum. When this solution reaches an air-filled cave carbon dioxide alters the water's ability to hold the minerals within the solution & they precipitate, or solidify. Over time, these precipitates create beautiful formations. Water continues to seep into the cave making it ever-changing and causing some of the formations to sparkle or take on a waxy sheen. I took many many pictures when I was there and spent a lot of time culling through them in an effort to convey to you the beauty of the place. I soon found that to be impossible but I did the best I could. I hope these pictures inspire you with enough wonder to one day visit one of Texas' little known treasures.
This is the only plant in the caverns. Some say the seed was tracked in on the shoe of a visitor.
Broomstick Stalagmite
Column Stalagmite
Mound Formation
Cave Pearls
Waxy effect
Natural Bridge
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